I’m so grateful that your highest self has brought you here.


My greatest soul’s purpose is to be a guide for other women to return home to their true and authentic self. 


I help women just like you, discover the magic that is already within them through Human Design, mindset work, embodiment and spiritual practices.  


The reason why I am so passionate about the work I do is because I too have struggled with the questions:


I help women just like you, discover the magic that is already within them through Human Design, mindset work, embodiment and spiritual practices.


The reason why I am so passionate about the work I do is because I too have struggled with the questions:


Who am I?

What is my purpose for being here?

Is there something wrong with me?

Am I really worthy of my desires?

Why do I seem to see things in a different way?

Will I ever be fully seen and heard?

Is life really supposed to be this hard?

As someone who has an open G center- which is the identity center in the Human Design system, I can be a bit of a chameleon.  


I can change my personality to fit into any social situation and I can make friends with just about anyone.  


As a teenage girl and into early adulthood, I was constantly searching for a feeling of consistency in my identity. 


“Maybe if I join the cheerleading squad, I will finally know who I am because I will be a cheerleader” were my thoughts in high school. 


In college, I found myself in countless toxic romantic and personal relationships because being with those people gave me a sense of belonging.


As an adult, I held onto being a competitive powerlifter after injuring my back twice to the point I couldn’t walk for several days because I didn’t know who I would be without the sport. 


What all of these experiences have in common is that I was searching for a sense of identity from outside myself.   

Deep down, I believed that I wasn’t good enough as I was.  


That something about me had to change, in order to be worthy of the life I desired. 


These shadows followed me into my early years as an entrepreneur.  


I felt as though I had to be like all the other coaches I saw crushing it on Instagram if I wanted to be successful.  


I crafted my message around what they were saying rather than speaking my authentic truth. 


I created programs I wasn’t passionate or excited about just because I saw another coach have a successful launch with a similar program.  


I started a free Facebook group, ran free 5-day challenges, spent weeks promoting free webinars that never converted to paying clients, and spent hundreds of hours on sales calls NOT because I wanted to but because I was told these things were necessary to make it in the online space…...




I believed there must be one secret strategy that I was missing or some other action step I wasn’t taking. 


And once I discovered what that was, I would finally achieve the huge launches and monthly income I saw everyone else bragging about online. 


I invested in programs and coaches that were not the right fit because I so desperately thought they must have the answers.  They must know the secret strategy I have yet to discover. 


But all those choices only resulted in me being more in debt, less clear on my message and purpose, burnt out, overwhelmed, and second guessing every decision I made.

I discovered Human Design in 2019 at a time where I was really struggling to feel confident in my ability.


Discovering Human Design liberated my true self from the shackles of constantly feeling like I was not enough or fear that if I stood in my power I would be too much.  


I uncovered all of the ways that I had been acting from fear, scarcity, and my shadows.  


I reconnected with my highest self and started following her guidance rather than the voice of my ego. 


I developed a deep trust within myself, with God and the Universe. 

Most importantly,  I uncovered MY NAKED TRUTH:  the real me when I stripped down all of the conditioning of who I thought I “should be” and finally gave myself permission to be my authentic self.

As a result of doing the unsexy work of looking at my shadows and the ways I had been showing up out of alignment, my business completely transformed.  


I went from rollercoaster monthly revenue in 2019 that ranged from $3,000 to $11,000 to consistent 5-figure months and multiple 5-figure lanches in 2020.  


In 2020 I expanded my team, hired a full time business manager, brought my soul sister Lucie on as a co-coach for Create Your Soulful Business and The Embodied Sisterhood, and manifested my dream condo with mountain to ocean views.  


And the secret was not some special strategy or doing more externally. 

The secret to making quantum leaps in my business is ENERGETIC ALIGNMENT. 


Through becoming more and more of my true and authentic self, my business has grown in ways that I only dreamed of a year ago.  


And instead of pushing and forcing these things to happen, they have come through opening myself up to receive and becoming an energetic match for everything I desire. 


This shift has brought so much more bliss, joy, and freedom than ever before. 


And the same is possible for you. 


You have the power to live a life bigger and more impactful than you’ve ever dreamed.  


But you’ve lost that connection with your inner power over the course of your life as you’ve tried to change yourself to fit into a box labeled, “who I’m supposed to be.” 


You look to others for approval, validation, love, and security instead of giving those things to yourself. 


And you focus so much of your energy towards trying to fit in, instead of giving yourself permission to be unique. 

This is the journey of the MERMAID

Her whole life she feels torn between two worlds- the human word and the ocean.  She never feels as though she quite fits in.  She is either not enough human or too much of a sea creature.  


This magical creature loses her connection with her power as she tries to change who she is.  


The mermaid’s true power is unleashed when she let’s go of trying to be something she is not. 


She will never be a human.  She will never be like the other sea creatures. 


Because she is a MERMAID.  She is uniquely made. 


The mermaid is liberated when she stops trying to fit herself into a box that was never designed for her and embraces the magic of who she truly is, a beautiful mermaid.

Her whole life she feels torn between two worlds- the human word and the ocean.  She never feels as though she quite fits in.  She is either not enough human or too much of a sea creature.  


This magical creature loses her connection with her power as she tries to change who she is.  


The mermaid’s true power is unleashed when she let’s go of trying to be something she is not. 


She will never be a human.  She will never be like the other sea creatures. 


Because she is a MERMAID.  She is uniquely made. 


The mermaid is liberated when she stops trying to fit herself into a box that was never designed for her and embraces the magic of who she truly is, a beautiful mermaid.

My mission is to help liberate the magic of who you are by letting go of who you are not and fully embracing the power of who you are, just like the mermaid.  


If you’re ready to energetically align with the highest version of yourself so you can become a magnet for your desires and build your business with more ease and flow, I cannot wait to connect with you. 

Work With Me

Connect with me on my podcast and social media!

Podcast On ITunes
Podcast On Spotify
Podcast On Google

Qualifications & Credentials

  • Success Sequence Coaching Certification, Human Design Coach, 2020

  • Life Purpose Institute, Certified Spiritual Coach, 2020

  • Life Purpose Institute, Certified Life Coach, 2017

  • University of Hawaii, Masters of Education 2015

  • WomanSpeak International, Circle Member, 2018-2019

  • WomanSpeak International, Mastermind Member 2018-2019



  • Host of Uplifting Podcast with over 40,000 downloads worldwide 

  • Built life coaching practice from $0-$10,000 a month in under a year

  • Ranked #4 Best Powerlifter of All Time in Superheavy Weightclass

  • Between 2014-Present has broken over 20 powerlifting world records