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Check out my self-paced courses which are perfect for the soul-driven business owner who prefers to do things at their own pace, at their own time. 

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Just because the mind isn’t designed to be our decision making mechanism, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its own unique role and power. The true power and purpose of the mind that is often not discussed is the development and proper use of Outer Authority.


Outer Authority is how the mind uses its gifts and wisdom to be of service to others once it has been liberated from being the decision maker. It’s connected to your Personality Variables and the wisdom of your undefined centers.


This is why Inner Authority is so important, because it is the catalyst for even deeper levels of transformation and the development of Outer Authority.


Strategy and Authority are emphasized so much in Human Design because they lay the foundation for the process of your differentiation to unfold. The true power of Human Design comes from living it.


But the reality is that living your design is often much more challenging and nuanced than what is discussed in the textbooks or an Instagram post.


Which is why, I love to explore the nuances within each person’s chart so that you can live more fully as your true self and access your full cognitive potential, because this is how I believe we can change the world.


In Liberate the Mind, you’ll learn how to differentiate your Inner Authority so you can develop your unique Outer Authority and create value for those on your fractal line.

Get Instant Access for Only $25

Payment Plan available with Afterpay 

Just because the mind isn’t designed to be our decision making mechanism, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its own unique role and power. The true power and purpose of the mind that is often not discussed is the development and proper use of Outer Authority.


Outer Authority is how the mind uses its gifts and wisdom to be of service to others once it has been liberated from being the decision maker. It’s connected to your Personality Variables and the wisdom of your undefined centers.


This is why Inner Authority is so important, because it is the catalyst for even deeper levels of transformation and the development of Outer Authority.


Strategy and Authority are emphasized so much in Human Design because they lay the foundation for the process of your differentiation to unfold. The true power of Human Design comes from living it.


But the reality is that living your design is often much more challenging and nuanced than what is discussed in the textbooks or an Instagram post.


Which is why, I love to explore the nuances within each person’s chart so that you can live more fully as your true self and access your full cognitive potential, because this is how I believe we can change the world.


In Liberate the Mind, you’ll learn how to differentiate your Inner Authority so you can develop your unique Outer Authority and create value for those on your fractal line.

Get instant Access for only $25

Payment Plan available with Afterpay 

Channels Illuminated

A Guide to Understanding the 36 Channels in Human Design using the Spectrum of Consciousness


This 20+ page ebook outlines how each channel can be expressed in a lower frequency or higher frequency. It also weaves together the traditional keynotes for the channels in Human Design with the language of the Gene Keys so you can see how these two systems are interconnected and can be used together to help you deepen your understanding and embodiment of these archetypes.



In Human Design, we learn that we are a binary consciousness, which means that we have different two authorities: Inner and Outer Authority. Inner Authority comes from the body to determine life and Outer Authority comes from the mind to express unique awareness.


Most of us are conditioned to have the mind express both our Inner and Outer Authority. The mind is how most people make decisions before entering into Human Design. This is what is referred to as the “not-self.”


Through integrating the language for the Shadow and Gift from the Gene Keys for each of the 36 channels in Human Design, you can begin to see how this energy can be expressed when it’s coming from the “not-self” compared to when it’s in alignment.


Channels Illuminated is perfect for anyone who is studying Human Design and/ or the Gene Keys for their own healing/ embodiment and for those who are integrating these systems into your business and work with clients.


Through this guide you’ll have a deeper understanding of the full spectrum of each of the 36 channels and how you can weave together the wisdom of the Gene Keys to help you express this energy in the Gift frequency.


Also included in Channels Illuminated is my Hexagram Reference Sheet, which is a quick reference guide that has all the information on a particular Hexagram including the gate name, the channel its a part of, the amino acid it codes for, its physiology, the elements of the Hexagram, the circuitry it's a part of, which center it belongs to, and much more all in one place.

Get Instant Access for Only $35

Payment Plan available with Afterpay 

Channels Illuminated

A Guide to Understanding the 36 Channels in Human Design using the Spectrum of Consciousness


This 20+ page ebook outlines how each channel can be expressed in a lower frequency or higher frequency. It also weaves together the traditional keynotes for the channels in Human Design with the language of the Gene Keys so you can see how these two systems are interconnected and can be used together to help you deepen your understanding and embodiment of these archetypes.


In Human Design, we learn that we are a binary consciousness, which means that we have different two authorities: Inner and Outer Authority. Inner Authority comes from the body to determine life and Outer Authority comes from the mind to express unique awareness.


Most of us are conditioned to have the mind expresses both our Inner and Outer Authority. The mind is how most people make decisions before entering into Human Design. This is the “not-self.”


Through integrating the language for the Shadow and Gift from the Gene Keys for each of the 36 channels in Human Design, you can begin to see how this energy can be expressed when it’s coming from the “not-self” compared to when it’s in alignment.


Channels Illuminated is perfect for anyone who is studying Human Design and/ or the Gene Keys for their own healing/ embodiment and for those who are integrating these systems into your business and work with clients.


Through this guide you’ll have a deeper understanding of the full spectrum of each of the 36 channels and how you can weave together the wisdom of the Gene Keys to help you express this energy in the Gift frequency.


Also included in Channels Illuminated is my Hexagram Reference Sheet, which is a quick reference guide that has all the information on a particular Hexagram including the gate name, the channel its a part of, the amino acid it codes for, its physiology, the elements of the Hexagram, the circuitry it's a part of, which center it belongs to, and much more all in one place.


What’s included:

  • 20+ page ebook on the 36 channels in Human Design using the Spectrum of Consciousness

  • 45-minute video tutorial on the differences between Human Design and Gene Keys and how these systems can be integrated with one another  

  • Hexagram reference sheet plus tutorial on how to use this resource

  • 60-minute video training on Differentiating Your Inner Authority

  • Lifelong access to all materials and ongoing updates

Get Channels Illuminated Now

Payment Plan available with Afterpay

Did you know that there are several placements on your Natal Chart that you won’t find on a normal Human Design chart?


These can be “hidden” gates because they may not be actually defined in your design but will still have an impact on your life.


The hidden gates in your chart include:

  • Ascendant: Rising Sign

  • Chiron: The Wounded Healer 

  • Black Moon Lilith: The Dark Feminine

  • Midheaven (Cusp of 10th House): pinnacle of your chart, public image

  • Descendant (Cusp of 7th House): related to the other and relationships

  • Imum Coeli (Cusp of 4th House): Foundation of who you are/ inner world

Above is my Quantum Astro Natal Chart from Genetic Matrix. The majority of my hidden gates are gates that I don’t normally have defined in my Human Design chart, but still have a huge impact and influence in my life.


 How the energy of these hidden gates manifests in your life depends on:

  • Whether this gate is normally defined in your chart

  • If it’s defined in a defined or undefined center

  • Other “hidden” gates in your chart

  • If it creates a channel with another gate in your chart

  • Transits


In the Hidden Gate series, we break down how all of these elements influence your hidden gates and dive deep into understanding and applying these placements into your life through synthesizing the wisdom of Astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys.

We’ve created interactive masterclasses on your Rising Sign, Chiron, Midheaven/ IC & Black Moon Lilith.


Included in each of the masterclasses:

  • Video recording of masterclass

  • PDF of the slides from masterclass

  • Copy of your advanced Natal Chart from Genetic Matrix


After enrolling, you’ll receive an email with a link to download all the materials as well as a form to provide your birth information for your advanced Natal Chart.

The Many Faces of Your Rising Sign

Your Rising Sign represents which sign was on the horizon at the time of your birth and determines the layout of the entire house system in your Natal Chart. It marks the beginning of your 1st house.


Your Rising Sign is the energy you’re broadcasting out into the world.


This is HOW you shine the light of your Sun Sign.


Embodying this aspect of your chart gives you deeper insight into the mask that you wear for the world, how others see you, and how you see the world.


This masterclass will bring you an illuminated vision of your rising sign and how you’re here to shine your unique light into the world.

Get instant access now to Rising Sign Masterclass for only $35

Alchemize Your Pain Into Gold: Transforming Chiron

Chiron is not actually a planet. It’s a planetoid that was discovered in 1977. It’s often referred to as the “wounded healer.”


Chiron was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was a healer and teacher who, ironically, could not heal himself.


Out of his wounding, all Chiron’s wisdom was born – he is represented as the mentor to many of the great heroes of Greek mythology, being an expert in medicine, healing, astrology, prophecy and the hermetic magical sciences.

Understanding your specific Chiron placements gives you insight on how to break free of the old patterns that keep you stuck and settling for less than what you truly deserve.


These are the challenges you overcome to fulfill your dharma. This is your spiritual purpose and what your soul came here to heal. This is a place of potential knowledge, talent, and wisdom as you do the work to heal this wound.


This masterclass will illuminate both your conscious and unconscious Chiron placements and the Gifts that you’re here to alchemize these wounds into.

Get instant access now to Chiron Masterclass for only $35

Prosper Through Aligned Image: Midheaven Experience

Your Midheaven may not be a gate that you normally have defined in your chart because it doesn’t represent a planetary activation, but rather one of the 4 angles of your birth chart.


Your Midheaven is the highest aspect of your chart or the pinnacle of your chart. It resides in your 10th House, which is all about public image, career, and work environment.


Your Midheaven is the leaves, branches, and fruit that grows out of your Imum Coeli (IC) which represents the roots of your chart- your family, ancestors, inner self, and past conditioning.

Your IC resides in your 4th House and is always in opposition to your Midheaven. Out of your IC you begin to build upwards towards your Midheaven.


This masterclass will also illuminate your IC placement, since it’s intimately connected to your Midheaven.


Understanding your specific Midheaven placement gives you insights on how you want to be remembered and how you’re designed to prosper through an aligned public image.

Get instant to access now to Midheaven Masterclass for only $35

Receiving Empowerment in the Shadow: Exploration of Lilith

Lilith is one of the “hidden” gates in your chart that you won’t find on your normal Human Design chart but represents an aspect of your personality that you might repress or keep hidden because it’s been vilified or you’ve been shamed for it in the past.


The Black Moon Lilith is associated with feminine power, sexual power, and our wild nature. The mythology of Lilith is that she was the first woman created by God and was Adam’s first wife (before Eve). Adam and Lilith were created equally. Lilith refused to become submissive to Adam, which he wanted, so Lilith left. This is the story of women’s suppression and the rise of inequality between men and women.

Lilith can show up unhealed- which is when the energy is repressed, or it can show up in alignment, which is when you value your free will and understand the areas that you’re least willing to compromise.


Understanding your specific Lilith placements gives you insights on your untapped potential that you might be repressing and where you need to assert your independence so you can harness the power of this energy in your chart.

Get instant to access now to Lilith Masterclass for only $35

OR buy the Hidden Gate Series Bundle and save $40


Get all 4 masterclasses (Rising Sign, Chiron, Midheaven & Lilith) for only $97


Buy now for only $97.00

Payment Plan available with Afterpay

Payment Plan available with Afterpay 

Gifts of Gaia is a resource guide for the 64 gates/ Gene Keys that synthesizes the wisdom of Human Design, Gene Keys, Astrology, I-Ching, and the Dream Arc to help you deepen your understanding and embodiment of each Gift frequency.

Through recorded video contemplations, musical inspirations, powerful journal prompts, and other written resources you’ll unlock the higher frequencies within you.

The Gift frequency of the 64 Gene Keys represents human empowerment and open-heartedness.This is the most practical element of the spectrum of consciousness because your Gifts represent your unique genius that you’re here to share with the world.

After diving into Gifts of Gaia, you’ll  feel uplifted and empowered to take inspired action as you share these gifts with the world.

You will feel more grounded in your purpose and have a deeper understanding of all the 64 archetypes.

Learn more about Gifts of Gaia

Gifts of Gaia is a resource guide for the 64 gates/ Gene Keys that synthesizes the wisdom of Human Design, Gene Keys, Astrology, I-Ching, and the Dream Arc to help you deepen your understanding and embodiment of each Gift frequency. 

Through recorded video contemplations, musical inspirations, powerful journal prompts, and other written resources you’ll unlock the higher frequencies within you.

The Gift frequency of the 64 Gene Keys represents human empowerment and open-heartedness. This is the most practical element of the spectrum of consciousness because your Gifts represent your unique genius that you’re here to share with the world.

After diving into Gifts of Gaia, you’ll feel uplifted and empowered to take inspired action as you share these gifts with the world. 

You will feel more grounded in your purpose and have a deeper understanding of all the 64 archetypes.

Learn more about Gifts of Gaia

Personalized Variable Report

Variable, also called The 4 Transformations, which includes the Primary Health System (PHS) and Rave Psychology, is an additional layer of Human Design that discusses your relationship with taking in and filtering the experience of life.


Your Variables provide you with insight to the things you need from your environment to function optimally. It's the measurement of you as a unique differentiated being.


This is an advanced layer of Human Design knowledge that is best consumed after you’ve already been experimenting with following your Strategy and Authority.


Strategy and Authority are the catalyst for the 4 Transformations of Variable to come alive in your life and deepen your process of differentiation.



This information can often be confusing to understand, especially when first introduced to it, however I have found it to be incredibly transformative in my Human Design journey.


Understanding my personal Variable configuration has given me so much permission to fuel myself according to my Calm Touch Determination and to see through my view of Power. I’ve been able to witness the power of being in my Narrow Valley Environment and when I’m being motivated through Desire instead of Innocence.


I want to make this information more accessible, which is why I have created the Personalized Variable Report.


Your Personalized Variable Report includes a 10-page personalized PDF and a 15-20 minute custom audio with information on the 4 Transformations and your specific Variable configuration. Included in the PDF are contemplation prompts that are personalized for you to deepen the awareness of your variables.


You’ll receive the PDF + audio within 10-business days of receiving your intake form. 


Please note that this is not a Zoom call, however you have the option to add on 3-days of Voxer or Telegram support to answer any questions that you have.


My intention for these personalized reports is to illuminate this powerful information in your chart so that you can lean more fully into who you are uniquely designed to be and release any shame or guilt you might be carrying for who you naturally are. You’ll begin to fall in love with these parts of yourself and feel empowered to be unapologetically yourself.

What others have said about their Personalized Variable Report:

One Time Payment ($75)
Get 2 Reports for $110 (Save $40)

Payment Plan available with Afterpay

Personalized Variable Report

Variable, also called The 4 Transformations, which includes the Primary Health System (PHS) and Rave Psychology, is an additional layer of Human Design that discusses your relationship with taking in and filtering the experience of life.

Your Variables provide you with insight to the things you need from your environment to function optimally. It's the measurement of you as a unique differentiated being.


This is an advanced layer of Human Design knowledge that is best consumed after you’ve already been experimenting with following your Strategy and Authority.


Strategy and Authority are the catalyst for the 4 Transformations of Variable to come alive in your life and deepen your process of differentiation.


This information can often be confusing to understand, especially when first introduced to it, however I have found it to be incredibly transformative in my Human Design journey.


Understanding my personal Variable configuration has given me so much permission to fuel myself according to my Calm Touch Determination and to see through my view of Power. I’ve been able to witness the power of being in my Narrow Valley Environment and when I’m being motivated through Desire instead of Innocence.


I want to make this information more accessible, which is why I have created the Personalized Variable Report.


Your Personalized Variable Report includes a 10-page personalized PDF and a 15-20 minute custom audio with information on the 4 Transformations and your specific Variable configuration. Included in the PDF are contemplation prompts that are personalized for you to deepen the awareness of your variables.


You’ll receive the PDF + audio within 5-business days of receiving the full payment for the report (if you’re on a payment plan it will be sent out after the 2nd payment is completed).


Please note that this is not a Zoom call, however you have the option to add on 3-days of Voxer or Telegram support to answer any questions that you have.


My intention for these personalized reports is to illuminate this powerful information in your chart so that you can lean more fully into who you are uniquely designed to be and release any shame or guilt you might be carrying for who you naturally are. You’ll begin to fall in love with these parts of yourself and feel empowered to be unapologetically yourself.

What others have said about their Personalized Variable Report:

One Time Payment ($75)
Get 2 Reports for $110 (Save $40)

Payment Plan available with Afterpay

Human Design & Gene Keys Illumination Sessions


“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

- Aristotle


When you enter into the world of Human Design and/or Gene Keys, it's common to get caught up in trying to understand all of the individual aspects of your design.


The mind wants to make sense of all of this new information.


One of the 1st things that we learn in Human Design is that the mind is not our decision-making mechanism.


The whole purpose of Human Design is to be a roadmap for you to become a fully differentiated being (a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event) and your own authority.

In these Human Design & Gene Keys Illumination sessions, I don’t focus on telling you about all of the individual aspects of your design, which is why I don’t call this a reading- IT’S SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT.


In these sessions, I use your Human Design & Gene Keys chart to tap into the Akashic Ocean and channel divine wisdom from your unique design.


You will leave illuminated in the knowledge that your design is alive and activated in your life right now and that you don’t have to do or change anything in order to access its magic.


During the session, you have the opportunity to ask questions and share anything that you’re currently experiencing that is relevant to the wisdom that you’re looking to receive.


Some of areas that can be illuminate on the call include (but are not limited to):

  • Your personal genius and unique gifts through the Activation Sequence and your Incarnation Cross

  • Your personal storyline based on your North and South Nodes 

  • Your “hidden” gate placements (Rising Sign, Chiron, Midheaven, Lilith) and their influences on other aspects of your design 

  • Opening your heart to receive more love and prosperity through exploring your Venus Sequence 

  • The nuances of following your Strategy and Authority through exploring your channels and the design of Body and Mind

  • Moving beyond Strategy and Authority and into Variable 

  • Shifting your perspective on your shadows and how to unlock the gifts within

  • Your personal prosperity algorithm through the Pearl Sequence 

  • Running your business in alignment with your design


Sessions are recorded so you can rewatch them and continue to receive additional layers of insight and wisdom.


You have the option to add on 5 days of Voxer support to help you apply and embody the wisdom that was received in our session and answer any questions that might arise.

30-minute illumination session ($95)
60-minute illumination session ($150)

 A HYBRID group course where you learn how to structure Human Design & Gene Keys readings and integrate these systems into your business with integrity through embodying your own design on a deeper level so you can grow your soul-based business.


Have you experienced the power of Human Design and Gene Keys in your own life?

If you have, then I’m sure you’ve experienced a deep desire to share this gift with others.

You’ve probably read all the books and even taken courses on Human Design but struggle with feeling confident in charging for readings or making it a larger focus of your business.⁣

But what if you could learn how to apply all of the information you’ve learned, understand Human Design and Gene Keys on a cellular level, and make an impact by sharing this wisdom in your own unique way?

Imagine feeling so confident in speaking and sharing about Human Design and Gene Keys that you’re experiencing so much satisfaction, peace, and success in the process. 


You’re attracting soulmate clients who are ready to do the work and are getting massive results!


You trust yourself, your process, your wisdom, and your purpose.


You’re no longer playing small because you know that you are here for big things!


You are embodying your gifts more and more every day and are creating a reality that is more expansive, blissful, and joyful than you ever imagined possible.


The universe is showing up to support you in fulfilling your life’s work because you have the courage to act first knowing that the universe will always have your back.


All of this (and more) can be your reality when you become a Chart Reading Master!



A HYBRID group course where you learn how to structure Human Design & Gene Keys readings and integrate these systems into your business with integrity through embodying your own design on a deeper level so you can grow your soul-based business.


Have you experienced the power of Human Design and Gene Keys in your own life? ⁣

If you have, then I’m sure you’ve experienced a deep desire to share this gift with others. ⁣

You’ve probably read all the books and even taken courses on Human Design but struggle with feeling confident in charging for readings or making it a larger focus of your business.⁣

But what if you could learn how to apply all of the information you’ve learned, understand Human Design and Gene Keys on a cellular level, and make an impact by sharing this wisdom?

Imagine feeling so confident in speaking and sharing about Human Design and you’re experiencing so much satisfaction, peace, and success in the process.


You’re attracting soulmate clients who are ready to do the work and are getting massive results!


You trust yourself, your process, your wisdom, and your purpose.


You’re no longer playing small because you know that you are here for big things!


You are embodying your gifts more and more every day and are creating a reality that is more expansive, blissful, and joyful than you ever imagined possible.


The universe is showing up to support you in fulfilling your life’s work because you have the courage to act first knowing that the universe will always have your back.


All of this (and more) can be your reality when you become a Chart Reading Master!




Not sure which program is the right fit?


Email  with your Human Design chart or birth info and it would be my pleasure to help guide you in this process