Be Empowered in Your Pricing

Guided Meditation

Release limiting beliefs around pricing your products and services 

 Feel empowered in your pricing to start charging your worth

 Create massive abundance in your life and business NOW

I want abundance!

Do you panic when setting your prices?

As a soulful entrepreneur it can be challenging to charge your worth. 

You just wanna help people, right?

You have been discounting your programs, products, and services. 

Now you're starting to feel resentful of your clients, and not excited to show up and serve your audience. 

Because you're not aligned with your pricing. Does this sound familiar?

If so, you're not alone. 

When I started my business as a life coach, back in April 2018, I struggled to know what to charge for my services.  


When someone would ask how much it cost to work with me, I would panic because I didn't feel confident in my pricing. 

I didn't believe that I was worth what I was charging.  

It can be difficult, especially as women, to ask for what we deserve.  

We don't want to make others feel uncomfortable, so we sacrifice our own comfort for theirs. 

Deep down, a part of us still doesn't feel like we deserve to charge our worth. 

I mean, who would pay that much for what you're offering? 

The truth is, you under charging isn't doing anyone any favors. 

When you can become aligned with your pricing, not only will you show up more powerfully, but so will your clients. 

Through this guided meditation and a series of emails, I will share with you how one client went from making $2k a month while feeling overworked to her first $10k month while working less and having fun in her business. 

I wanna charge my worth!

Client Love

Meet Your Guide 

Aloha beautiful soul!

My name is Randi Lee, and I am a business-mindset coach for soulful entrepreneurs who are ready to fully step into their power so they can make a massive impact and income. 

I have built a 6-figure coaching business through building a loyal community online, without paid ads. 

When I first started my business, I was WAY under charging for my programs and services because I lacked the confidence and self worth to charge what I truly deserved. 

Once I was able to aligned with my values, mission, and purpose and let go of limiting beliefs around charging my worth, I finally felt empowered to charge my worth!

This didn't happen overnight, or without doing the inner work. 

And it is something I continue to work on as I up level my life and business. 

But doing this inner work has been the secret to going from scarcity to abundance in my life and business. 

So, if you're ready to let go of the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from charging your worth and finally start asking for what you deserve, then I am so excited to share this guided meditation with you.  

It's your time to claim massive abundance in your life and business, queen! 

Let me show you the way..... 

Send me the meditation!

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